Today I went into Boots to purchase some baby necessities. I couldn’t believe how much the pressure on shop assistance’s were regarding the use of plastic bags.
I bought 2 double size or jumbo pack pampers, 2 smaller bags and other items. I told the shop assistant I required 2 bags to even out the weight as my pushchair does not allow me to hang shopping. One of them said the nappies has a plastic handle to make it easier to carry. WTF?
Come on I understand that the industry is under pressure. However look at it practically no new laws have come into effect yet. Making my shopping life hell is not going to keep me as a customer. It is not like they had any re-usable cloth bags for sale, as the shop assistant suggested I get.
Do your job, impress your boss. But don’t forget your jobs purpose…to serve your customers well with a bit of common sense