I just happened to be reading an article on the Guardian news website about I-tunes and Apples removal of DRM. I LOVE reading and just looked over at the bookshop adds and saw this book “Google Blogger for Dummies”.
Now because I love the Dummies range of books I immediately was like okay, I could do with this book. Especially if and only if, it would benefit my 3 blogs in some way. To spruce them up as I have been wanting to do for sometime.
It costs £16.99 but is on offer at £8.49. The book does not come out till 13th February 2009. Not sure if it is already released elsewhere. Mmmm. So I could just order it and then if I change my mind cancel it before dispatch. One of the nice things about Amazon, they only charge you when they have dispatched your items to you.
Dummies guides tend to be concise and easy to follow. Mmmm. Not sure yet. Going to think on it. What do you think. If there is a better book out there ,or a free website that is simple to understand Holla!!! (as Keyshia Cole’s mum Frankie would say).
Update 17/3/09 : I bought this book from Amazon uk for £8.49. It is okay and being a dummies book it covers everything. If you are already familiar with Blogger you may be better off getting the Blogging for dummies book instead.