For as long as Italian Vogue made it known they would change up the skin hues on their fashion pages for one month, the world has been talking. Is this significant or a good marketing ploy. All editions of Vogue magazine tell you exactly who they feel is beautiful. Even their readership harbours the same views. How often do you hear the sentence ‘black models do not sell when on the front page’. Is it that they do not sell or that particular month never sells good at all. There could be endless answers to that. Of course there is an answer which I believe is more true.
Now I am not going to lie, I have joined the Facebook groups, received numerous text messages telling me to go and buy this edition of the magazine. A magazine I never buy. Well I believe they have a clever double edged sword in the marketing. This may not all be by choice. Various sources have said that its not the magazine that fears it wont sell, its the publishers and distributors predicting poor sales. That in itself speaks volumes. These whispers have led to many urging all to buy to prove them wrong if only for one month.
I do believe that the magazine will sell well. We like seeing ourselves presented. I might buy a copy if I am able to get hold of a copy just so I can see what Vogue’s definition of Black beauty is or just to look at fashion photography with black women as the main focus so to speak.
In conversation with a friend I mentioned that I did not feel this one off magazine edition was a cause for celebration. The models will probably be super slim, little or no curves, straight hair/weaves, medium to light in complexion. If they manage to capture the full spectrum of black beauty than well done for one month. If not, then its nothing new.
I will leave you with this quote from an email that was sent to me by a good friend of mine, whereby (its appears to be by ) Dr Lez Henry critiques Vogue and the Black community reaction to this novelty issue ;
In a time when Afrikan-centred organisations and individuals are struggling to publish magazines, books, films etc. etc. to unshackle our minds, you can bet your bottom dollar that many who are circulating these stupid emails and texts have never circulated one that supports these endeavours, much less purchased any of their products or attended any of their events, which is why I suggest that when it comes to many blacks it seems that LUNACY IS TRULY IN VOGUE!!
Knowledge gives us the power to liberate or enslave!
What do you think? Celebration, contemplation or nothing at all.