Ok so L’oreal who has been buying into the black beauty and hair market has a really gorgeous collection called H.I.P. Which stands for High Intensity Pigment. I have seen this range advertised in black women’s magazines that I occasionally buy. So now I find myself addicted to YouTube makeup tutorials. In particular Scandalous Beauty. Yes I know stressing the fact that I admire this girls work, her video’s her blog and her hair woes.
Anyway I want some H.I.P Brazen eyeshadow duo. You have to watch the video’s to see the effects. But lo and behold, we be getting shafted in the UK. I emailed L’oreal to ask where in the UK or elsewhere could I get hold of some H.I.P. This was their reply
Thank you for your recent e-mail.
We regret to inform you that we do not distribute this particular product in the UK and at present there are no plans to do so.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require any further advice or assistance concerning our products through one of the channels below.
Kind regards
Consumer Advisory Department
Now I know I read a while back that cosmetic companies operate on a two tier system. They have an American release of products and the UK/European release is well less represented. So I am not surprised by their reply. I will look into this further. In the meantime Ebay can be my friend. Unless of course Sleek Cosmetics has similar colours to Brazen. mmmmm.