I was watching MTV when this headline caught me off guard. I am in total shock that such a courageous young man has lost his life. For those who may not know who he is. Daniel was a young boy who was diagnosed with leukaemia at the age of 5.
With the support of his family he lead a huge campaign to encourage and get more African and Caribbean people in the UK to sign up to become bone marrow donors. Many celebrities joined his campaign to promote including Ian Wright and the Duchess of York. Many becoming Patrons of the African Caribbean Leukaemia Trust which was formed out of the quest to find not just Daniel a donor but to get more people registered.
After a successful bone marrow transplant from an American donor Daniel was able to live go on and live a normal life. The charitable work continues and to this day ethnic minorities are being made aware and encouraged to get on the register.]
His mum said
“We are very grateful for all the love, support, kindness, generosity, dedications and concern that you all have shown for our beautiful son.
“However, we ask that you please do not send us any flowers but instead continue to support the charity as this is what Daniel would have wanted, so that we can keep helping to give others the gift of life.”(source)
The Duchess of York said
We must remember him by helping the African Caribbean Leukaemia Trust carry on their invaluable work.(source)
I am actually feeling quite emotional because I thought he had made it through this. I so need to go and get on that register myself and I urge you to do so too. No matter what race you are!
I leave you with encouraging words from ACLT
People of African, African American, African Caribbean, and Mixed Parentage descent between the ages of 18-43 have to face up to the fact… WE are the only one’s who can be potential donors for Black sufferers who require a life saving Bone Marrow match. BUT HOW MANY OF US HAVE ACTUALLY REGISTERED?
Support ACLT if you can. The revamped website is full of information and definitley worth a browse
Rest In Peace Daniel De Gale (14 March 1987 -8 October 2008) …….may your legacy and hard work live on.
Read more on the ACLT website