I had the pleasure of attending the You’re Beautiful Woman event in London on Saturday 15th August 2009. I was invited to attend by the wonderful Ondo Lady. It was such a pleasure to meet one of my blogging buddies in the flesh. She is such a lovely lady.
The event was held at the Highgate Newton Community Centre. I travelled from the East Midlands to London just for the day. Got lost with my friend, though thankfully a nice lady offered to give us a lift and we reached safely. Even better it turned out a handful of my friends were in attendance.
We listened to some inspiring seminars and delighted in the many black business women and men in attendance. Fine hand crafted jewellery, bags, hats and handmade beauty products. Business opportunities and more. The food smelt delicious.
One of the seminars I attended was by Noreen Mak’Osewe called Bag Lady put your S down. She used a bag as a way to describe emotional, mental, financial and spiritual baggage. Key point for me was when she said that a bag only fulfils its purpose when it is in use. If your bag is weighing you down you must think about what it is you have put inside of it.
I will be doing some more posts of some of the stalls and entrepreneurs I had the pleasure to meet. So do look out for those. Also if you did not attend please try and attend next year. You will not be disappointed!!!
Thanks for such a glowing report! Your presence was greatly appreciated.