A few weeks a go I took my kids to Cadbury World. It is just outside Birmingham in a town called Bournville. I decided t take the train as it said it was only a few minutes walk from the station.
Walking to Cadbury’s World was worth it as you got to take in all that is Cadbury scenery. The sign posts and roadside railings where all in this beautiful purple colour. Inside the venue you have to wait for your time slot to be called before joining the queue. Being an hour early we headed over to the 4D Cinema. It was really good. Seats moved side by side forwards and backwards. Quite an experience.
Over to the main attraction we were given 3 chocolate bars each ( Cadbury Milk, Twister and Crunchie). We walked through an amazon section which gave information on origins of chocolate. There was some acting to watch and more cinematic effects. The factory tour was alright. We were given melted chocolate with toppings. There was a demonstration on making chocolate treats from moulds as well as decorative gifts getting final touch. It all ended in a mini train ride.
We will go again one day. It is a nice affordable visit. Kids love it. Be sure to check out the picture slide show I made of the pics from our visit.