
So I thought I would join Slimming World. Maybe I was coerced into this. Or maybe perhaps it was the groups I have been added to one which has me as admin that got me so in awe of others’ success stories.

Anyway what could I lose. Oh yeah I could lose some pounds. Well I joined a group ten minutes walk away from home. My 1st group meeting becamey last. You see I had been at work all day not eaten and as the man who is indeed the husband was heading out the lids came too.

Most participants who had kids got weighed and left. I should have taken note. My kids were given stuff to play with books colours and I remember them asking for the meeting fruit display.

Anyway the group leader was very friendly. He explained all to us newbies. We sat down listened to the successes failures and inbetweens. I actually picked up a few tips here. Despite husband cooking often it was still do-able.

The scales don’t lie. I have work to do and this diet seems unrestrictive but with restrictions. A type of duality. The book is thorough enough to get you going. You can speed up your weightloss with Speed foods and Protein.

Anyway this 1st meeting took 2hours to complete. I was hungry feeling famished and my kids suddenly wanted to eat fruit. We have fruit at home all the time. So based on that it just was not going to be practical to attend meetings.


I called HQ and asked to be switched to the online plan. My wish was granted. I am taking this month which ends in 1 week to learn best practices and then continue on my own.

I am actually wanting to look more into clean  eating. My fitness trainer friend said all I need to do is excercise and eat healthily. But as you know I have been trying.

The goal to fitness and improved health continues.