I have now completed two days of gym activities. Day 1 I worked alongside my friend with a personal instructor who gave tips and advice on how to use the machinery. He also gave tips on goals and food etc. For an induction it was painful. I did 5 minutes on the cross trainer, 5 minutes on the bike which turned into 2 kilometres which was almost 6minutes. Just when I was like yes its over he was like umm actually get to 2kilometres to complete this bit. He then showed us how to use free weights, kettle bells and some pully things. Looks like squats will have to become my new best friend. I have free weights at home so I may use them at home as well. The session ended with 10 minutes on the treadmill.
Today I attended a Zumba class. It was more intense than my Wii Zumba games but just as fun. I actually felt like I had no rhythm. Though my friend was like you can dance so this should be easy. Yes my family and I are of the Caribbean persuasion but backside this class left me breathless and got me drinking more water. All my friends say they will attend Zumba again I will decide next week. After Zumba I did a 5 minute power walk on the treadmill.
When I previously went to the gym I did not like the treadmill but it is proving okay and I think it will always be used after cross trainer. On the cross trainer I feel pain in my thighs that makes me want to stop but I will try push through that pain barrier. I cannot swim yet but aim to take lessons. I will compare the price at the gym with the local council and then the kids will have their lessons once I can do a length. In the meantime I will have a non swimming dip in the pool and maybe check out the sauna at the gym.
My must buys for the week or by next week are some cheap but useful trainers just for use at the gym and a sturdy sports bra.