So last week I peeked in the Body Pump class and thought it looked quite a workout. I was this close to not actually going today. However my pushy gym buddy persuaded me. It is a shame she will not be in the gym with me tomorrow.
So yes being new to this class the instructors gave us a run down of what to expect how to use the weights and how the class will go. Even better a nice lady assisted us in preparing our workout area for the class. We had a pole thing with weights on it. Like an oversized dumbbell with adjustable weights that you would normally associate with body builders. About 3 sets of weights was required so we could go up and down in resistance I guess. Also an aerobic step for workouts on your back.
The below video is what the class looked like. We had two instructors who were lovely. Surprises me that they also held another class just on abs afterwards. I am not there yet but one day. I had to to pause a few times during the workout but not as much as I thought I would. Afterwards I felt some triceps pain but overall felt good. Now at the time of typing this up in the evening I am feeling pain all over. Especially in places I neglect to acknowledge muscles are present. This pain hurts so bad. I ought to jump in a hot bubble bath to soothe it away. Hopefully next week it will not hurt bad like this. My muscles have definitely woken up.