My friends are always trying to get me to join them on their fitness ventures. I always say no because my fitness is well below par. The promises I made to myself years ago on this blog have ye to be fulfilled. My fitness DVD’s , Wii games and mini home gym has grown a little. I just need to use them. So surprisingly to myself my friend wanted to do some ab circuits.
Thankfully this was just an intense core workout and not a sweat bath. During the class I grimaced at my lack of stomach muscles, my inability to pull my belly button into my spine or keep my bum in the air long enough. You would think having a weight placed on your back while your lifting your body through your stomach in some form of way would have done me in but no. It was at the start where we laid on our backs with knees bent doing sit ups. All I could hear the instructor saying was keep your chin off your chest.
My chest is full of bosom as you know from my last trip to Bravissimo. Let me tell you my chest was giving me problems I felt like my bosom was choking me. It was just too my pressure for me. I was so relieved when we moved onto exercises on our sides and stomach. Lesson learned I must invest in a proper sports bra. Hopefully it will keep my bosom at bay. Can you imagine if this was a cardio session.
The instructor was a lovely lady who told me to keep coming back and it will get easier. She even gave me a core exercise to do when driving. At a red light suck stomach in pull through belly button towards back and release on green. You need to have your car seat upright which is how I drive anyway.
I think I will keep doing this class until my work circumstances changes. Bonus discovered I can join a scheme that gets me discounted classed and free swimming. If only I could swim. At my age I have no idea how long that will take to learn.
I really Liked your Blog and the way you write your thoughts 🙂
kepp it up sis
Thank you so much Nisha